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8:30am Worship Service
Welcome and Announcements - Pastor Ed Eddingfield
Hymn No. 87 - Joy to the World
Hymn No. 96 - Good Christian Men, Rejoice
Advent Reading—Christ the Redeemer - Stan Phillips, Skye Miller, A.J. Dobbs
Hymn No. 77 - Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Offertory - Allan Young
Observance of the Lord’s Supper
Message - “First To the Jew, But Also For the Gentile” Romans 15:7-13
Invitation No. 280 - Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
11:00am Worship Service
Welcome and Announcements - Pastor Ed Eddingfield
Hymn of Praise - Joy to the World (Unspeakable Joy)
Hymn of Praise - A Christmas Alleluia
Advent Reading—Christ the Redeemer - Tupper Family
Hymn of Praise - Christmas Offering
Offertory - Allan Young
Observance of the Lord’s Supper
Message - “First To the Jew, But Also For the Gentile” Romans 15:7-13
Invitation - Above All